Sandwiches are one of the countries favourite forms of fast food. We’ve pulled together some statistics to prove the popularity of sandwiches.
Facts & Figures
Sandwiches are a staple in many people’s lives, providing a convenient and portable meal that fits the busy lifestyles we all lead. With the nation’s favourite sandwich filling being chicken for the past few years, you will be shocked to hear it’s been knocked off the top spot.
Did you know?
- Bacon is Britain’s favourite sandwich filling this year based on spend, while chicken is the nation’s favourite when it comes to the number of sandwiches bought.
- Bacon is the most popular filling in Scotland, Wales, the North, the East and the South, with Wales seeing 30% of its spend on sandwiches going to Bacon.
- The Midland’s favourite filling is Chicken, whilst London favours Vegetarian sandwiches when all the sub-groups are combined (egg, cheese, vegetable, bean and other veg)
- The top 5 sandwich fillings for 2024 are bacon, chicken, cheese, ham and tuna.
- According to research from Schulstad Bakery Solutions (Lantmannen Unibake UK), 75% of consumers are happy to spend up to £5 on a sandwich served on more premium bread.
- On average, consumers will pay £1.78 more for a premium sandwich.
- Coffee shops are the king of the premium sandwich – 73% of consumers look to this venue to purchase a premium sandwich.
- Almost half (53%) buy a premium sandwich weekly, with the baguette coming in as the most popular premium bread carrier (35%), followed by panini (22%) and ciabatta (15%).
- Italian flavours are the most popular, with Mexican and BBQ coming in close second.
- Perceived health is a key purchase driver for premium sandwiches – and we know that health and wellness is a huge consumer trend at present.
Sandwiches for Sale
Here we reveal some of the backstory behind retailed sandwiches and the estimated yearly used volumes of key sandwich ingredients.
What is a Sandwich?
We have answered the question once and for all – What is a sandwich?